Sunday, September 27, 2009

7 months old!

What are you up to this month??

  • You weigh close to 12 pounds
  • You are finally in a size 2 diaper
  • You still wear 3-6 month clothes
  • You sleep all the way through the night (usually 9pm until 6:30am)
  • You are getting louder and louder when you "talk"
  • You've started to become uneasy around strangers and have started reaching for Mommy & Daddy
  • You are getting better at sitting in your Bumbo seat
  • Just this past week you've started rolling over
  • You are scared of one of your baby dolls and yell at her when we put her close to you
  • You've mastered the baby food "fruits" we're moving on to veggies
  • You would rather be held all day and all night, but we're working on making you have some quiet time playing by yourself
  • You are still SOOOO close to laughing and make little squeals
  • You've made a big step this past month and have moved upstairs to your own room to sleep
  • You are taking naps now every 3 hours and sleep about 45 mins at a time (in your room!!)
  • Still no teeth yet, but they're coming soon and you chew on EVERYTHING!
  • You are still working on sitting up on your own - not there yet, but getting stronger
  • You still love to kick your legs to show us you're excited

Just when I think I can't possibly love you anymore - I wake up the next morning and I do!!

You're growing...slowly, but surely! :)


  1. Happy 7th Month Trista! Your getting so big, but is cute as ever! Sending blessings and **Heart Hugs** to you little girl! =D

    With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,
    Lauren (22yr. old w/Tricuspid Atresia aka HRHS)

  2. Happy 7 months Trista! I love her leggings! How wonderful that she sleeps through the night! She is so precious!

  3. Happy 7th birthday Trista! She is such a little cutie, she looks wonderful :)

  4. Happy 7 month Birthday Trista!! You are a little cutie pie!! Glad to see how well she is doing!!
    Gramma TJC
