Only time will tell what will happen. For now, I just plaster pictures of them everywhere at my desk and count the minutes until I'm home with them at the end of the day! I will get through this - just takes some time.
Enough about weepy me - now onto Trista! We received some preliminary results back on her pH probe test. She had 60 reflux episodes in 23 hours and 11 of them came up into her upper esophogus. That's all we know - the GI doctor had a baby on Wednesday last week so we won't hear his interpretation of the results and course of treatment until he returns.
She had her first set of vaccinations last Friday. 5 total (4 in her thighs and 1 oral). All you mom's out there know how yucky this part is. She was just cooing away and smiling at me when they were getting her thighs ready for the needle, then OH MAN the needles went in and she lost it!
Here she is later that day all tuckered out from the day's events...
Tomorrow morning we go in to see Trista's cardiologist for her clinic appointment and EKG. I hope to post tomorrow night with details on how her heart is doing. We hope to also see ENT to re-check her ears.
I am so sorry about your "first week back blues". It will get better. You will get into a routine and things will get easier. I'll be praying for Trista's heart check up. Madison's check up is on Monday...I'm always a nervous reck!